Sunday, December 21, 2014

мошенники продолжают безнаказанно воровать деньги у государства

Сеня Шпелфогел часто встрчается со сбоей любимой подругой и сообщницей Пет Сингер в здание банка на Брайтоне.

Годы идут а мошенники продолжают безнаказанно воровать деньги у государства.

То что они воруют деньги по схеме ясно и доказуемо.

Схема конечно особенно никого не интересует.

Но схема работает безотказно и сегодня.

Пока в Маленькю Одессу стремятся Русско-говорящие иммигранты - воры обезпечены тем что для них самое важное - 1) наличная вы плата денег,
2) острая необходимость получить крышу над головоь по приезду в Америку,
3) незнание жилищных правил и законов,
4) незнание правил и законов о правах жителя Амрики на каких бы правах он в Америке не жил,
5) отсутствие работы у новоприбывших русско-говорящих иммигрантов и нелегалов и их материальная несостоятельность.

и другие обстоятельства

 а в результате безотказной работы аферы воры получают такие наличные деньги что могут покупать за наличные 11 миллионов долларов дома, продолжать воровать у самых обездоленных иммигратов уплаты за ренту и по сути годударственные же деньги так как все малоимущие иммигранты платят ренты с денег которые получают как гос пособия

2005 Sam Shpelfogel NEW YORK DAILY NEWS


Wednesday, November 30, 2005, 12:00 AM

A BOARD MEMBER of a Brighton Beach group that advocates for tenants' rights has resigned his post after revelations he ignored hundreds of violations in a building he owns, the Daily News has learned. Landlord Sam Shpelfogel, a 15-year member of the Brighton Neighborhood Association's board of directors, stepped down last week. His resignation came after The News detailed charges by the city Housing Preservation and Development that Shpelfogel has failed to fix more than 400 maintenance violations at 2822 Brighton Eighth St., a 38-unit building. "Sam has since resigned from my board of directors," said Pat Singer, association director. Singer said she asked Shpelfogel to step aside temporarily while she looks into the charges against him but that he insisted on permanently cutting ties. "I don't want to speak to you," Shpelfogel told a reporter who called him for comment. Lawyers for the city agency are evaluating a new housing court case against Shpelfogel - the second in two years - because of the massive number of violations at his building. In a case that settled last fall, Shpelfogel agreed to fix 715 violations there, officials said. "His cover is gone and he's got to go," a tenant said yesterday of Shpelfogel's resignation. "I've been robbed here three times and it's a result of that front door [lock] - he doesn't want to fix it. Another tenant called 311 so frequently about leaks, mold and roaches in her apartment that after The News' Nov. 16 article, a city operator called her. "311 called me and said, 'You made the paper,' " said mother of five Dionna Hodges. Shpelfogel previously said that some tenants, including Hodges, have refused to allow city inspectors in to see that repairs have been made. Hodges said she refused to allow Shpelfogel in because he harasses her. City officials stood behind the Brighton association's work - and the $22,000 the group gets from the City Council each year. The state's Division of Housing and Community Renewal gives the group $65,000 a year. Because Shpelfogel stepped down, the city's money will continue to flow to the group, said City Councilman Lewis Fidler (D-Marine Park). "You got the best result," said Fidler, a member of the Council's Housing and Buildings Committee, of Shpelfogel's resignation. Of the 410 outstanding violations at the building, 43 areconsidered dangerous - class C - violations according to city records.

создания видимости фиктивной орг - документы

Вот документы заполненые для создания видимости фиктивной орг:как видим под флагом "приватности" организации никаких данных вообще не заполнено.

в листе кодов классифицирует

Religious, Educational, Charitable, Scientific, Literary, Testing for Public Safety, to Foster National or International Amateur Sports Competition, or Prevention of Cruelty to Children or Animals Organizations

Вот документы заполненые для создания видимости фиктивной орг:

This is the month and year of the nonprofit’s most recently filed Form 990.

как Янкловиц оформил свои фиктивные благотоворительные организации?

Вот как Янкловиц оформил свои фиктивные благотоворительные организации:

как определить настоящую благотворительную орг от поддельной благотворительной орг

здесь показано
как определить настоящую благотворительную орг от поддельной благотворительной орг

афера со сборами пожертвований

вбил слова афера со сборами пожертвований и первые результаты:

1) полезная инфо


конкретная информация - куда сообщать про аферы на счёт поддельных благотворительных орг

подделали документы Hа владение домом

не дом ограбили у пожилой женщины, а украли подделали документы Hа владение домом

вбил слова подделка "дид" (документ ма владение домом) и первые результаты:

арестовали и осудили рабая - дойдёт дело и до криминальых домовладельцев

Spinka financial controversy

The Spinka financial controversy is a case in which five Spinka charitable organisations under the auspices of Grand Rabbi Naftali Tzvi Weisz, the Spinka Rebbe ofBoro Park, as well as Weisz himself, his personal assistant, and five others were charged with various counts of tax fraud and money laundering.[1] Their indictmentalleges that the five charities were used to launder money and to avoid payment of tax on taxable income by issuing fraudulent receipts for bogus charitable contributions, and charging fees for transfers of funds.[2][2][3][4][5] Among those charged are four men from Los Angeles, California and two from Tel Aviv. These include a diamond merchant, a businessman, and an attorney.[6] The five Spinka charitable organizations are Yeshiva Imrei Yosef, Yeshivath Spinka, Central Rabbinical Seminary, Machne Sva Rotzohn, and Mesivta Imrei Yosef Spinka, all based in Brooklyn.[2]
The accusations include receiving up to seven-figure sums in contributions to Spinka charities while secretly promising to refund up to 95% of contributors' donations, thus allowing contributors to then illegally claim tax deductions on money they in fact kept.[6] The scheme allegedly saved the participating donors millions of dollars in federal income taxes.[7] Over the course of ten years, it is alleged that at least $8.7 million in donations were involved, out of which the charities kept nearly $750,000. The rest is said to have been refunded to donors who allegedly claimed bogus donations on their income tax returns.[7]
The case was broken with the help of a secret cooperating witness, a Los Angeles businessman who had contributed $1.7 million to the scheme, when he agreed to turn state's evidence and to secretly record his former colleagues.[8][9] In 2008, the Jewish Journal of Greater Los Angeles published a detailed report on the case alongside a number of related articles.[10] The article was the paper's cover story and was written by the paper's religion editor, Amy Klein. The Jewish Journal of Greater Los Angeles article revealed from court documents that the FBI informant was a Jewish LA businessman.[11] According to the article, the informant had been wiretapped by the FBI in conversation with Spinka officials negotiating over the percentage of kickback to be kept. According to an affidavit cited in the article, the scam was instigated by the informant’s father, a major LA Jewish philanthropist.[11] The article also quoted experts on the Orthodox Jewish world, with Joel Cohen arguing that:
Some have suggested that the informant should be termed a moser--an informant.[11] The Rabbinical Council of California spokesman commented that the body has discussed the issue but declined to take a position.
Samuel Heilman of City University of New York commented on the controversy in The Forward: "There is a great temptation among these rabbis, who come from a culture that often views the ‘government’ as in the hands of enemies, to believe that for ‘higher’ motives is acceptable; in fact, often their temptations are driven by more venal and selfish aims than they might acknowledge."[12]
Weisz and Zigelman appeared in court on December 31, 2007. They spent some of the time studying Hebrew books and reciting Psalms.[11] On July 13, 2009, Rabbi Weisz pleaded guilty to a conspiracy charge and could face up to five years in prison.
On July 28, 2009, an emotional Rabbi Weisz admitted their mistake, apologized, and exhorted others not to follow in his mistakes, at a conference devoted to legality in the Orthodox community. "Things happened that were not supposed to happen," he said. "We have to commit that in the future this will never happen again." [13] The Rabbi also disclosed a legal compliance plan developed in conjunction with a team of lawyers and accountants, to which all Spinka institutions were bound to follow, and which he offered to share freely with all other synagogues, schools and institutions.

Friday, December 19, 2014

Co-op & Condo Fraud: Commingling

Gov. Cuomo Announces Probe Of Jewish Landlord Joel Israel

Orthodox Jewish Samuel Hiller Indicted For Stealing Millions From New Yo...

Jewish Community Outrage Over New York Post's Coverage of Menachem Stark...

Jewish Community Outrage Over New York Post's Coverage of Menachem Stark...

Orthodox Jewish Samuel Hiller Indicted For Stealing Millions From New Yo...

US Attorney Preet Bharara Announces Arrests Of Jewish Family in $20 Mill...

Brooklyn Grand Rebbe Arrested In Tax Fraud Scheme

How Money Laundering Works.

What is money laundering? - MoneyWeek Investment Tutorial

Wednesday, December 17, 2014

кому Янковиц дал $15,000?

Взял саму ю заметную сумму проверить, кому Янковиц дал $15,000.

На карте я увидел что место: Tiferes Bunim куда даны деньги в 7 минутах от адресса где зарегестрирована благотворительная организация Янкловица.

Спелфогел заместитель президента в благотворительной организации крупного масштаба сделал быстро и чисто манипуляции с $$

Спелфогел как заместитель президента в благотворительной организации крупного масштаба сделал быстро и чисто манипуляции с $$ наличкой которую он выбивает из затурканых иммигрантов чуть ли не ногами.

и так никому в голову и не пришло откуда у него появились наличные $$ платить не один десяток миллионов за покупку домов.

даёт деньги в благотворительные организации, в чем здесь фишка?

организация собственность Якова Янковица и его брата Леонарда. даёт деньги в благотворительные организации, в чем здесь фишка?

L Z J CHESED FOUNDATION CO JANKLOWICZ Philanthropy, Voluntarism and Grantmaking Foundations


the foundation is registered at the above address (the building is listed for sale

1353 47th street owned by JANKLOWICZ, LEONARD and Zipora

1434 58th St, Brooklyn, NY 11219 Owner(s): JANKLOWICZ, BINI


Property 1434 58 STREET 

1332 48 Street, Brooklyn, NY 11219 Sold on 01/03/14 FOR: $710,297 below the Market value 2014/15 -- 1,407,000

1332 48 Street, Brooklyn, NY 11219

SOLD for: $710,297

JACK JANKLOWICZ Shaarei Hatzlacha Foundation PRIVATE FOUNDATION 2 - 2 photocopies

1332 48 Street, Brooklyn, NY 11219

Sold on 01/03/14 to Rabinowitz, Yisroel, Rabinowitz, Naomi,


get involved and check with

я попробывал искать покупателя на свою ко-оп квартиру

Когда же я попробывал искать покупателя на свою ко-оп квартиру то во-первых я не нашел ничего серьезного, короче смотреть квартиру приходили любопытные люди без намерений покупки, а значит открывать истинное положение по состоянию дома не было законной на мой взгляд необходимости, выглядеть дураком я как и все люди не хочу и рассказывать как я заплатил наличку а потом еще и ремонтировал год, после чего потекло все что в жилом доме может течь, радиаторы, окна, потолок, трубы в кухне, туалете даже в доме прямо на проходе в дом, вонь стоит в доме от гниения, то же в моём туалете, где все вымыто и переоборудовано. Однако я не мог переоборудовать то что внутри стены, а там, годпода и дамы, дождь идет периодически, и я его слышу.

JACK JANKLOWICZ Shaarei Hatzlacha Foundation PRIVATE FOUNDATION (5 photocopies)

Basic info - 2013

Zip10977-1908Ruling date199801
Tax period201210Assets786,851
DeductabilityContributions are deductibleFoundation descripPrivate non-operating foundation
SubsectionCharitable OrganizationActivity descripGifts, grants, or loans to other organizations
Exempt descrip

Select 2013 structured data

Tax period (YYYYMM format)201210EO Status Code1
SOI Year2,011Subsection code03
Total assets 2013 e-o-y fair market value786,851Contributions received149,100
Schedule B indicatorYInterest revenue21,663
Other income34,041Total revenue204,804
Accounting fees1,300Total operating and administrative expenses column a1,540
Contributions, gifts, grants paid164,500Total expenses166,040
Net income less deficit38,764Total receipts net investment income55,704
Net investment income55,704Total receipts adjusted net income55,704
Adjusted net income55,704Total expenses 2013 exempt purpose164,500
Cash non-interest-bearing 2013 e-o-y book value-7Other investments 2013 e-o-y book value438,401
Total assets 2013 e-o-y book value786,851Total liabilities 2013 e-o-y book value1
Total fund net worth 2013 e-o-y book value786,851Total assets 2013 e-o-y fair market value786,851
Excise tax on net investment income557Section 4940 2013 1 % taxY
Total excise tax557Estimated tax penalty1