slumlord, NYC, New York, Brooklyn, Little Odessa, Money laundering, IRS, Tax Evasion, Charities Fraud, Shaarei Hatzlacha Foundation in Spring Valley, NY, FBI, bank fraud, law enforcement, scheme, defraud, criminal schemes,Phony Charities, Мошеннические схемы, покупка жилья,ко-оп, 3250 Кони Айленд авеню, BINYAN CHESED FOUNDATION, Shaarei Hatzlacha Foundation, L Z J CHESED FOUNDATION, Jack Janklowicz, Leonard Janklowicz, Bini Janklowicz, Janklowicz Realty Co, 3260 Realty Co, 3250 TENANTS CORP,
Thursday, January 15, 2015
organized crime funded by taxes
How much do you think it would take to make sure that a wanted criminal or two from Agriprocessors is not found?
And if one of them is finally located – at home on Kfar Kana where he had been foralmost three years – how much do you think it would cost to delay or stop extradition?
And if you're Avrohom Mondrowitz, a Gerrer hasid from a wealthy and connected Gerrer family who is very close to the richest rabbi in the world, the Gerrer Rebbe – who also happens to have the abillty to bring down government and split the United Torah Judaism part in two at a moment's notice – how much would it cost to stop your extradition to Brooklyn on many charges of child rape?
Israel Police had evidence that Mondrowitz was trading in child porn and was running an illegal degree mill, but they didn't do anything about it – even when they obtained a copy of Mondrowitz's hard drive.
Mondrowitz walked free until Ha'aretz did an exposé on him, which prompted the arrest.
Follow the money. Follow the illegal political deals. Follow the trail of stench all the way to the rabbis, top cops and political leaders.
Follow it and you'll know the truth.
The fundraising scandal surrounding Rep. Michael Grimm (R-Staten Island and Brooklyn) continues.
The Associated Press details where about 1/3 of Grimm's campaign money, $250,000 to $300,000, came from for his 2010 campaign – aides and close associates of Rabbi Yoshiyahu Yosef Pinto, the Sefardi 'kabbalist' and rabbi-to-the-stars whose organizations here and in Israel are under close scrutiny for financial irregularities like buying Pinto and his bar-mitzvah-age son custom-made suits and luxury watches, and buying expensive custom-made jewelry and top-of-the-line designer clothes for his wife.
And then there's the matter of one of his Israeli charities taking food donated to it to feed Holocaust survivors and sellling it on the gray market, and then allegedly using the cash to enrich Pinto associates and Pinto himself.
Pinto denies that he has any operational control over that charity and, in an Israeli way of doing things the politically connected Pinto was not charged – and neither was anyone else. A similar arrangement was made when Pinto's charities and Pinto had tax problems a few years ago. What we in the US would call money laundering and tax evasion Israel decided to call nothing. Pinto paid the government a portion of his back taxes and all was forgotten. The multimillionaire was left free to keep defrauding followers with fake blessings and promises of business success which, followers are told, can only come true by 'donating' lots of money to Pinto.
Pinto spends about half his time in New York City and the other half in Ashdod, Israel where he has a large mansion.
Where does Pinto get his money in the US?
Some of it comes from the same people who funded Grimm's campaign with Pinto's blessing.
And where did these Pinto followers get their money?
For some of Pinto's heavy-hitting donors and even Pinto's aides, the answer is pornography – porn:
…One of the rabbi's closest aides, Benzion Suky, owned a company that distributed porn videos and has settled lawsuits by adult film studios who accused him of selling bootlegged DVDs, according to court records. Suky and his wife gave a combined $9,600 to Grimm's 2010 campaign and a real estate partnership that lists Suky as its managing member gave $4,800, according to Federal Election Commission records.
Another big donor was Rafi Maman, proprietor of companies in North Bergen, N.J., that distribute adult films and sex toys. He also has settled lawsuits accusing him of bootlegging, including two which also named Suky as a defendant. Maman, his wife and a real estate partnership that he listed as his employer gave $19,200 to Grimm's campaign. That total includes $7,200 in individual contributions from Maman, or $2,400 more than is allowed by law.
A third Grimm contributor, Eli Halali, is listed in business records as the agent of another company that distributed pornographic movies. His name also appears on at least one such video, "Blonde & Beautiful Vol. 1," as the keeper of records verifying that the film's performers were over age 18. He gave $4,800. Two apparent relatives, Bluria Halali and Jaclyn Halali, each contributed $4,800.
[Ofer] Biton, formerly one of Pinto's top aides, also had a hand in adult entertainment. Florida business records list him as being the president of AMOB Inc. The company is registered at the same address as the Miami Playground, a shop once named by an alternative newspaper as the city's the best adult video store.
Election records do not list any donations from Biton, who, as an Israeli citizen without permanent residency in the U.S, is barred from giving money to political candidates.
But the Israeli helped Grimm in other ways that are allowed, including accompanying him on fundraising visits to congregation members, several of whom were heavy hitters in New York's real estate and jewelry businesses.…
Pinto's porn connection isn't something new. The Forward and FailedMessiah.com have both previously reported it. So, I believe, did Ha'aretz.
For his part, Grimm denies any wrongdoing.
So does Pinto, the 'clairvoyant' 'mystic' who somehow couldn't see that he was surrounded by pornographers and criminals, who claims Ofer Biton extorted him and forced him to support Grimm.
Biton was arrested in late July and charged in early August with immigration fraud.
There will almost certainly be more arrests.

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